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그리스 신화가 살아 숨쉬는 곳  Greek mythology is alive
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Dimitris Papadopoulo
  • 첨부파일. 등록된 첨부파일이 없습니다.
Hello, my name is Dimitris Papadooulos. I am undergraduate student of Technological Institution of Western Greece, Department of Museology. The topic of my study is the making of a museum of ancient mythology in Ileia. Because the only in the whole planet about the myth is yours i would like to take piecies of information from the manager or a curator for my study. If you can help for you, i will send you a questionnaire or a skype meeting with me. I prefer to inclue your museum because is similar with the possible making for museum with the same topic in Greece.

Please keep my informed!
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